Update #7
vor einem Jahre

Circumnavigation of Les Vosges. Last ride before the race on Sunday. 401km. Longest ride to date. Still fun.

Ältere Updates
Warum ich mich für Artenvielfalt bewahren einsetze
All attention is on climate, yet biodiversity is disappearing fast. The WWF's Living Planet Report noted an average decline by 68% of birds, amphibians, mammals, fish, and reptiles since 1970. It has only gone downhill since.

I want to raise money to support the WWF's efforts to put the importance biodiversity on everyone's mind. For every EUR donated I cycle 1km by 2.7.

The term "peddling" has a history. In 2009 I initiated a bike ride called "Peddling against climate change". 800km from Uppsala to Copenhagen. We went in December: a Canadian, Pakistani, Kiwi, Ethiopian, German... Our equipment was terrible, e.g. using duck tape to protect the feet from the cold. Fond memories.

The wolves are dedicated to Leanna. The monkeys to Hugo.

Discl.: I work at the Finance Practice at the WWF DE

Artenvielfalt bewahren

Lasst uns die die biologische Vielfalt schützen. Gemeinsam stark für einen lebendigen Planeten!

© Ralph Frank
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EUR 10
Yann Verstraeten
«Long distance riding is a must, and even more so when it is for a good cause such as protecting nature! Good luck!»
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Malte H.
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«Good luck! Keep it up»
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