Update #1
vor 2 Monaten

Hey! Let’s do something different for Christmas this year!

We challenge you: Instead of supporting unnecessary consumption, this year you have the opportunity to give something back to the oceans and nature.
Christmas, the time of giving and presents. But aren't it far too often things that we don't actually need and that we could easily do without?

Did you know:
• the wrapping for Christmas presents each year is enough to wrap around the Earth once?
• the amount of waste produced at Christmas is around 30% higher than the rest of the year?
• 7/10 people admit buying far more food than they need?
• …

Every unnecessary purchase, every gift that is quickly forgotten after a short period of enjoyment and ends up in the cupboard, contributes to the growing flood of plastic.

What can you do?
• Use reusable wrapping materials and avoid plastic tapes.
• Gifting time to your loved ones instead of buying presents.
• Natural decoration for example, dried orange, cinnamon.
• Plan ahead your food and use leftovers creatively.
• Try to buy local.
• …
• Donate to charities like WWF. They fight plastic pollution worldwide and is committed to saving our oceans and nature. Your donation helps to fund projects that reduce plastic waste and protect marine life.

About us
We are Christina, Malin, Saša and Tim. Four young MBA students from Tomorrow University, all driven by the same motivation: To have a positive impact on our world and contribute to overcoming the challenges of our time. This campaign is intended to make a small contribution and raise awareness of the fact that our high-consumption society unfortunately often has negative consequences for our environment.

Warum ich mich für Stopp die Plastikflut einsetze
With this campaign, I am actively supporting environmental protection and nature conservation. Support me with a donation for the following WWF Germany project. Thank you very much for your help! Together we can achieve a lot for our environment!

Stopp die Plastikflut

Plastikmüll bedroht die Umwelt, die Meere und am Ende auch uns. Deshalb müssen wir jetzt handeln und unsere Ozeane schützen.

Delfin mit Plastikmüll – Kampagnensujet des WWF Deutschland
Mehr lesen

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